Welcome to the long-awaited tower defense and escape game on the store. New characters, card system, and chests galore!
Each game session is exciting, dynamic and unique. This game is the best tower defense and escape game, with advanced features with a classic Tower Defense playstyle.
Play the game strategically to fight and fend off your attackers. You win when you survive till sunrise while crushing the Killers.
Pick your character and weapon, build turrets, and upgrade your house to defeat and outsmart all the killers .
You will love this incredible offline horror escape game TD that will keep you hooked for hours, command the mightiest characters and build the strongest defense house. Fight on various levels and face legendary killers on this escape adventure.
· Asymmetrical design of defense field as the difficulty level increase.
· Win battles and get rewarded with cards, chests, and coins. Use silver keys to reduce the time to open chests!
· Challenge and conquer the Endless mode, and keep fighting the unrelenting wave of killers to obtain extra rewards!
· Creative interface and attractive character designs and animation of a haunted house included
· Powerful characters will help lead your escape adventure. Upgrade your characters with coins and gems to fight against the killers.
· The dark theme outlook of the game app gives the user a friendly and focused environment.
Special Characteristic:
1. Different Player Modes:
Pick a powerful character, and draft a master plan to survive the next fight until the time is up. There are two independent player modes to enjoy : Normal and endless mode.
2. Build the strongest defenses:
Players can only place their defense inside the house with various weapons to fend off killers. Your strategy is how you invest the power you produce to make a compelling attack to survive till the night ends.
3. Character Cards:
Unlock character cards of survivors to know about their strengths and powers. Pair your survivor with the best weapon and items. Plan your next move to develop an iron defense.
4. Win extra chest and perks cards:
You can shop for extra gems and coins to unlock various chests. Every survivor has to fight with their unique powers, items, and loadout!
5. Appealing Interface:
The characters and application are designed to make it comfortable for any user. The dark theme and icons are setting the great focus in combat.
6. No forced ads but rewarded for gems and coins:
No forced ads that interrupt the player. For each watched rewarded ad, you get gems, keys, and power-ups. The more gems and coins you have, the more powerful your defenses will be.
7. In-app purchase is available:
Purchase gems and gold coins from the store with real currency to accelerate your progression.
8. Classic TD playstyle:
Play house of dawn - tower defense for hours on end, anywhere. This application is the plot for users to obtain a completely classic and prime tower defense playstyle.
9. Set your strategy with great turrets:
Planning is essential. Pick from any player modes. Fight back against your killers. You must consider your strategy at each step to survive the night.
Each game session is exciting, dynamic and unique. This game is the best tower defense and escape game, with advanced features with a classic Tower Defense playstyle.
Play the game strategically to fight and fend off your attackers. You win when you survive till sunrise while crushing the Killers.
Pick your character and weapon, build turrets, and upgrade your house to defeat and outsmart all the killers .
You will love this incredible offline horror escape game TD that will keep you hooked for hours, command the mightiest characters and build the strongest defense house. Fight on various levels and face legendary killers on this escape adventure.
· Asymmetrical design of defense field as the difficulty level increase.
· Win battles and get rewarded with cards, chests, and coins. Use silver keys to reduce the time to open chests!
· Challenge and conquer the Endless mode, and keep fighting the unrelenting wave of killers to obtain extra rewards!
· Creative interface and attractive character designs and animation of a haunted house included
· Powerful characters will help lead your escape adventure. Upgrade your characters with coins and gems to fight against the killers.
· The dark theme outlook of the game app gives the user a friendly and focused environment.
Special Characteristic:
1. Different Player Modes:
Pick a powerful character, and draft a master plan to survive the next fight until the time is up. There are two independent player modes to enjoy : Normal and endless mode.
2. Build the strongest defenses:
Players can only place their defense inside the house with various weapons to fend off killers. Your strategy is how you invest the power you produce to make a compelling attack to survive till the night ends.
3. Character Cards:
Unlock character cards of survivors to know about their strengths and powers. Pair your survivor with the best weapon and items. Plan your next move to develop an iron defense.
4. Win extra chest and perks cards:
You can shop for extra gems and coins to unlock various chests. Every survivor has to fight with their unique powers, items, and loadout!
5. Appealing Interface:
The characters and application are designed to make it comfortable for any user. The dark theme and icons are setting the great focus in combat.
6. No forced ads but rewarded for gems and coins:
No forced ads that interrupt the player. For each watched rewarded ad, you get gems, keys, and power-ups. The more gems and coins you have, the more powerful your defenses will be.
7. In-app purchase is available:
Purchase gems and gold coins from the store with real currency to accelerate your progression.
8. Classic TD playstyle:
Play house of dawn - tower defense for hours on end, anywhere. This application is the plot for users to obtain a completely classic and prime tower defense playstyle.
9. Set your strategy with great turrets:
Planning is essential. Pick from any player modes. Fight back against your killers. You must consider your strategy at each step to survive the night.
House of Dawn的同類型遊戲
如何在電腦上下載并暢玩House of Dawn
- 1在你的電腦上下載并安裝LDPlayer X
- 2在左上角的搜尋欄上輸入并搜尋House of Dawn
- 3點擊“安裝”,House of Dawn將會自動開始下載。
- 4安裝完成後,點擊“啟動”。
- 5遊戲將自動在雷電模擬器內啟動,即可開始暢玩House of Dawn
- 6也可以在雷電模擬器的桌面主頁點擊遊戲ICON,暢玩House of Dawn
用LDPlayer X在電腦上暢玩House of Dawn的優勢
使用電腦獲得大熒幕的遊戲視野,您可捕捉到更清晰的來自House of Dawn的遊戲細節
用鍵盤、滑鼠和手自訂控制手遊,媲美端遊的House of Dawn遊戲體驗
遊戲畫面更真實流暢,動作更連貫,增強House of Dawn的視覺體驗與沉浸感
可記錄在House of Dawn遊戲中的精彩瞬間或操作流程,分享給你的遊戲好友
在電腦上暢玩House of Dawn的電腦配備
推薦Win10及以上的64bit作業系統,包含 OpenGL 4.x作業系統
第8代Intel Core i3-8100 4核心以上,開啟VT選項CPU
Intel 或 AMD CPU 處理器 x86 / x86_64,开启VT顯示卡
NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050 Ti 2G獨立顯卡及以上顯示卡
Windows DirectX 11 / OpenGL 4.0 顯卡驅動記憶體
至少 2GB 系統暫存(RAM)儲存空間
House of Dawn-FAQ
Q: LDPlayer X安全嗎?
LDPlayer X尊重用戶隱私,承諾絕不攜帶任何惡意軟體或者侵犯使用者隱私,更不會在用戶的電腦上挖礦。
Q: 我可以在電腦上玩House of Dawn嗎?
House of Dawn是Zigoto Studios推出的戰略手遊。現在使用最好的電腦手遊平台 - LDPlayer X,你可以在PC上暢玩House of Dawn,獲得媲美端遊的遊戲體驗。
Q: 為什麼LDPlayer X是在電腦上玩House of Dawn的最佳遊戲平台?
LDPlayer X作為雷電模擬器旗下的一體化遊戲平台,滿足你用電腦玩手遊的所有需求:
同時,您可以直接在瀏覽器上玩多款熱門遊戲,例如荒野亂鬥, 鳴潮等。
同時,您可以直接在瀏覽器上玩多款熱門遊戲,例如荒野亂鬥, 鳴潮等。